Contrafact Studies for Guitar, Volume II

You can download “Contrafact Studies for Guitar, Volume II” by clicking on the button below.

Here is the second set of six studies I wrote this past summer to practice hearing and feeling chord progressions. Again, they are based on chords found in jazz standards, and written with same intentions that I wrote about in my previous blog post about the first six studies. I’ve enjoyed playing all twelve studies in my practice sessions and at open mics on zoom. Going through each study slowly while placing my fingers in the correct places and listening carefully to the chords has been of tremendous benefit. If you download them and play them, I’d be glad to hear about how you enjoyed them or benefited from them.

The studies in “Contrafact Studies for Guitar, Volume II” are based on chords found in the following jazz standards: 

VII. “Come Rain or Come Shine” by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer
VIII. “Stella By Starlight” by Victor Young and Ned Washington
IX. “Darn That Dream” by Jimmy Van Heusen and Eddie De Lange
X. “You and the Night and the Music” by Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dietz
XI. “Beautiful Love” by Victor Young and Haven Gillespie
XII. “Skylark” by Hoagy Carmichael and Johnny Mercer